How Is a Rotator Cuff Tear Diagnosed?
A doctor or physiotherapist can use one of more than 25 functional tests during a physical exam to diagnosis a torn rotator cuff. Some of these tests directly indicate a rotator cuff injury and others rule out similar injuries like nerve impingement or torn labrum.
What to know about kneecap dislocation
A kneecap becomes dislocated when the patella bone, which sits at the front of the knee, comes out of position. In the process, the connective tissues that hold the bone in place may stretch and tear.
Researchers find face masks don't hinder breathing during exercise
A new University of Saskatchewan (USask) study has found that exercise performance and blood and muscle oxygen levels are not affected for healthy individuals wearing a face mask during strenuous workouts.
What to know about tightness in the knee
A feeling of tightness or stiffness in the knee can occur as a result of overuse, injury, or age-related wear and tear.
The importance of stretching throughout your workday
With some gyms closed and a number of people working from home, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for many people to get in their daily workout. Sedentary behavior, including sitting for long periods of time, can contribute to adverse health effects
Sprains, Strains? New Guidelines Urge OTC Painkillers, Not Opioids
People with common muscle and joint injuries should skip opioids and instead reach for over-the-counter pain relievers, new treatment guidelines suggest.
Should I stop running if my knee hurts?
The most common site for pain in recreational runners is the knee. For some, especially older runners, the pain can be a symptom of osteoarthritis. But does running worsen knee pain and osteoarthritis?
Physical Therapy For A Pectoralis Major Tear
A torn or ruptured pectoralis muscle can limit your ability to engage in normal work and recreational activities. It can limit arm use, and may cause significant pain. If you have ruptured or torn your pectoralis major muscle in your chest, you may benefit from physical therapy (PT) to help you recover.
What Jobs Are Toughest On The Knees?
Based on a review of 71 studies that included nearly one million workers, the riskiest occupations include agriculture, construction, mining, service jobs and housekeeping. And jobs that demand excessive kneeling, squatting, standing, lifting and climbing stairs all increase your odds.
What You Should Know About Torn Bicep Tendon Injuries
A biceps tendon injury is a tear or rupture of connective tissue that connects the biceps muscle of the upper arm to bones at either the shoulder (proximal tendon) or elbow (distal tendon). Proximal tears are more common than distal tears and usually are the the result of chronic overuse or an acute injury, such as a direct blow to the shoulder or falling onto an outstretched arm.