The Wall Street Journal – Shoulder Surgery is the New Testing Ground for Painkiller Alternatives
A common shoulder surgery has become a testing ground for some novel painkilling techniques as doctors seek to reduce the use of prescription narcotics known as opioids.
Orthopedics This Week - Sex and Orthopedic Injuries
It is about the observed and occasionally measured phenomenon of sports medicine injury rate differences between males and females.
Are You Addicted to Your Workout? Navigating the Fine Line Between Exercise and Obsession
A compulsion to exercise can sometimes do more harm than good. How fit is too fit? asks Tamar Adler. For as long as I can remember, my mother was a casual runner. I could often be found on autumn and spring weekends of my Westchester childhood cheering at the finish lines of prim 5Ks.
Science Daily: Water on the Knee Could be Early Sign of Lyme Disease
Spontaneous knee effusion, also known as 'water on the knee,' can be a primary symptom of Lyme disease, even when patients do not exhibit a 'bull's eye' rash, another common Lyme disease symptom. According to a literature review, early diagnosis and antibiotic treatment can prevent the development of Lyme disease's more severe symptoms.
After lugging an enormous pregnant belly around on swollen feet, plucking your sweet bundle from her crib should be a cinch. Then why is your wrist on fire and your back out of whack? Welcome to the world of new mom aches and pains.
NBC news June 2015 Common Knee Surgery May Not Help You
A common type of knee surgery to ease pain and clean up worn-out knees may not be worth the time and effort for middle-aged patients, researchers reported Tuesday.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital - ACL Injuries in Female Athletes
Brigham and Women’s Hospital - ACL Injuries in Female Athletes